Ciao Besties, I don’t usually do things related to beauty but I decided to tell you how to get nice lips. If you have any tips that I didn’t list then leave them in the comments, have an extraordinary day. < I am not a professional , this is just what I do and It works for me. >
Here are some things for your lips:
A toothbrush < specifically for your lips
Lip scrub
Lip balm, gloss, petroleum jelly < anything to give them moisture >
Lip mask
^ The first tip is to brush your lips. This removes the dead skin on them leaving them smooth and a bit lighter.
^ The 2nd tip is to use a lip scrub. You can just buy one from a store or online or you can just make your own like I sometimes do. Remember to not over exfoliate your lips are sensitive.
To make the scrub you will need the following:
Olive Oil, coconut oil < really any oil of your choice >
Turmeric Powder < optional, but has lightening benefits >
Lime / lemon juice < can be freshly squeezed or store bought, also has lightening benefits >
Toothpaste < Optional >
^ The 3rd tip is using warm water and a rag, this removes dead skin. Get some warm water in a cup and dip your rag in it then rub, the rag in a circular motion on your lips. You can add lime, lemon to the water also. After doing this you can also use a scrub but it is not mandatory.
^ The 4th tip is using a lip mask. The difference between the lip mask and the lip scrub is that a mask is worn for a period of time and is used for hydrating while a scrub is to exfoliate your lips to make it soft and smooth. You can buy one or make one.
Things to make the mask:
Lime, lemon juice
Olive oil < any kind of oil of your choice, optional >
^ The 5th Tip is to ware a balm < something moisturizing, I use Carmex, you can also use Vaseline > When you go to sleep. When you do this you don’t wake up with cracked, dry, crusty lips.

^ The 6th tip is really obvious but people don’t do it and it is to keep your lips moisturized. Use the lip glosses, balms and such on a daily basis. Licking your lips doesn’t actually moisturize your lips, I heard they dry them out even more, click here to see an article about that.
There will be some YouTube videos below that you can watch.