Hello there you wonderful depressed people of the internet. So this week you guys have been getting a lot of updates and you should absolutely be grateful, cause when my creative juices run dry and laziness take over you’ll be in the dark. Anyways lately i’m just quite the POETIC GENIUS ¬ a dark one at that ¬ so don’t copy this are re upload it anywhere else and if you do decide to do so give me credit at least you selfish truckers < we all know WHAT I ACTUALLY wanted to say but i’m being a good girl. ENJOYYYYYY. have a great day or night. I hope you get free food. BYEEEE MY LOVELIES.
When will you take of the mask? When will your facade tarnish? When will you show the real you? When will you stop being a coward and face the world?
Aren’t you tired of upholding your lies? Aren’t you tired of putting on a show? Will you ever give yourself a break or continue until you’re driven to the end?
Aren’t you tired of being constantly scared of when someone will figure out your game? You can feel the judging and scrutinizing gaze but you still walk with the mask stuck to your face.
Depression is your normality No one sees the break downs the tear-stained face that you desperately try to hide. The darkness follows you but you try to bring rainbows and sunshine out of cloudy and rainy skies.
No one seems to see pain shining through your eyes or every time your lips twitch and your smile falters because it is forced unto your face.
Everyone has problems some just hide it better than others. Everyone has their nightmares. The ones that cause you to wake up in the middle if the night screaming and panting. The itching pain that stabs your heart.
The fear that the nightmares might come true cause sweat to break out on you forehead. The uncontrollable sob that breaks out when you can no longer take it and everything collapses right in front if you.
Finally the walls fall to the ground cause destruction in their wake and your life is turned upside down. The tears are threatening to fall but they don’t for there’s none left.
When you stare in the mirror it’s not the same person looking back at you. You feel lost and dead inside. Just then your mask falls, shattering into pieces. Finally you’ve freed yourself and you feel as light as a feather, now showing who you really are.