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Even when black people are the majority, they're still not the beauty standard...

Writer's picture: EllallriauEllallriau

Hola my internet besties. It's sad how even when black people are the majority they are still not the beauty standard. And this is exactly what I'll be talking about. Leave your thoughts in the comments, would love to see them.


I live in the Caribbean, Jamaica to be specific and it's sad to see that even though we are mostly black people we are still not accepted as beautiful or the standard of beauty.

People bleach their skin all the time, make fun of people with dark skin or make snide rude comments about peoples' skin colour and I realize this "bullying" for being black is mainly inflicted on the black or darker-skinned females. And I classify that as a major issue. There is a lot of colourism that goes on in Jamaica and it needs to stop.

How is racism supposed to stop when even black people hate on black people for being black? You know, self-hate is a detrimental thing. And people love to project their insecurities and self-hate unto others. People aren't happy with their skin colours and you have some black people that tell other black people who are darker than them that they are ugly because they are dark-skinned. They don't like their black features either, like dark brown eyes, big noses and big lips etc.

If I'm being honest, I think that the beauty standard for black women would be if you look the closest to being white. And what I mean by this is: brown skin, light skin, curvy but not fat - big bottom and breast with a small waist, delicate features - straight small nose, medium-sized lips and pretty eyes, and tall hair which is really anything but 4c or light, straightish curl pattern.

If you are not like what I described above then you can get bullied, hated on, even rejected by a love interest. They love to compare and put down black girls that don't have those characteristics. People come in all different shapes, sizes, skin colours and different facial features.

🟪 And then you have the darker skins < even the ones who also look "white"> who do everything in their power to look lighter or more like their standard:

^Skin bleaching

^make up

^ plastic surgery

^ wigs( some people wear wigs just because they hate their hair)

^using different products ( even if they're harmful)

I think being insecure is a huge problem in the black community and you basically feel forced to be, act and look like something you are not just to fit in with the crowd. They say black people have thick skin and that's because you get shitted on for everything. Even family members pick apart how you look and what you do so when others are trying to "cuss you out" or hurt your feelings you heard everything under the sun already.

I don't think I'm the only one who thinks light skins or brown skins ( some) have a god complex and thinks that they're better than dark-skinned people. And I think darker skins also have a disadvantage when it comes to dating. It doesn't matter if they're smart, funny, have a good personality or talented if there's a person who's lighter and remotely looks okay, then they're the one who's picked.


Internalized Racism

<3 Internalized racism is a form of internalized oppression, defined by sociologist Karen D. Pyke as the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated." In her study The Psychology of Racism, Robin Nicole Johnson emphasizes that internalized racism involves both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of colour."These definitions encompass a wide range of instances, including, but not limited to, belief in negative stereotypes, adaptations to white cultural standards, and thinking that supports the status quo (i.e. denying that racism exists). Internalized racism as a phenomenon is a direct product of a racial classification system and is found across different racial groups and regions around the world where race exists as a social construct.


Having black features are okay,

Being black is okay.

Not being light-skinned is okay.

Having a big nose is okay.

Being skinny is okay.

Not having a hourglass figure is okay.

Not being considered "pretty" is okay.

Not having a light curl pattern is okay.

Being brown is okay.

Not having long hair is okay.

Being yourself is okay.

Not having a straight nose is okay.

Not being accepted by society is okay.

And it's messed up to say that looking like a black person is not okay. Joking about racism or colourism is not funny. < Jokes are supposed to be funny and being racist or colourist is not a joke or is funny. >

Black people are beautiful no matter what they look like. And not because someone is a lighter shade of black means that they are better than the darker ones. We as black people need to stop putting each other down and stop being colourist towards each other.

We can't change how we look, naturally, that is and we won't have beauty forever and looks is not that is all that matters.

I don't understand why the concept of lack of melanin interests people. Is a plant interesting when it has lost its green pigment?

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