Hello my lovely misunderstood villains. Today’s post is influenced by a drama assignment that i got. So my teacher asked what was my fav type of drama, and you know because no one really pays attention in drama, when she gave the work i was waiting on her to to post the notes and when i read over the notes, My eye caught Melodrama and the definition talked about how it is about villains and ‘good guys’. But i’ll leave that for you to decide. I’ll post what i wrote below. Tell me your thoughts below in the comments. Buckle up 4 this 1.
My favorite type of drama is Melodrama. In Melodrama, there is a villain whose actions threaten the well-being of other characters with whom the audience sympathizes the situation in these plays, they tend to be extreme and are often violent, the good characters are clearly differentiated from the bed and in the end, good usually triumphs over evil. Out of all the other types of drama I chose this one. Why? Well, I think most of the time the characters you perceive as evil or as the villains are misunderstood and have some deep rotated issues that go far beyond the surface. Their violence is triggered by something the ‘good’ or ‘evil’ did that inflicted some kind of emotion probably hurt.
A movie that would further prove my theory is Maleficent. Most people who watched the movie thought Maleficent was the villain is because she put a spell on an innocent baby. That spell was that at the age of 16, she would prick her finger on a needle and die. The reason why Maleficent cast that spell was that the child’s father has wronged her in the past and took her wings and she resented him but throughout the movie, you could see that Maleficent cared for the child and ended up trying to save her. So, Maleficent wasn’t the villain but a ‘hurt soul’.
So as you can see in the second video that although she put a curse on the child she still saved her from danger. In the 1st video it shows her being ‘evil’ and putting the curse on the baby and the 3rd video it shows why she even put the curse on Aurora in the 1st place, that reason being that she resents her father for taking away a piece of her, her wings.
Below I put together some tiktoks I think fit this topic. I suggest you watch it and not skip past it. There will be buttons below the video to take you to some websites that have to do with common traits of serial killers.
If You’ve clicked the button above then you have a brief idea about what i’m about to talk about. Usually serial killers are murders in general, most times , have had a horrible childhood or some kind of trauma although it is no excuse for killing people < YOU SHOULDN’T DO THAT > bad childhood or trauma could involve abusive parents, the death of someone important to them, a life threatening accident or they could be driven my rage or revenge. Maybe it’s just that they’re BLOODY insane or sadistic or you know those words you can use to describe mentally ill persons you would want to keep your children away from.
< oki so we’re going off topic for a bit but i just wanna know if you realize this pattern, black is just a colour that people associated with being bad. you know the anti social people that wear black you torment them and you refer to them as outcasts but isn’t that also how the world treats black people, let me rephrase that, how the PEOPLE in the world treats black people but black people can’t change their skin colours that they were born in unlike the people who just wear black clothes, which is often associated with criminals or ‘ bad people. I’ll let that thought sink in. let’s go back to the topic at hand now>
Some people only do bad things because it’s for someone or something important to them. For example, A man will steal money from someone because his daughter is in the hospital and he needs money for the treatment to keep her alive.
or a single mother stealing food from a grocery store to feed her children because she can no longer provide for them.
Sometimes the things people do that are considered bad is because they are in need or something happened that puts them in a bad situation.
okkiiiii broken souls thank you for reading. have a nice day, I hope you find peace with in yourself. Gooooddddd BYEEEEEEE.