Helloooo mario cart drivers? I didn’t know what to call you guys today so I just said that by know you guys are used to my cringe greetings. Today’s topic is BULLYING, I don’t like bullies and I’ll probably destroy your dignity in this post so buckle up. If you have a bully send them this and we can fight in the comments 😉 Remember KARMA is a BLOODY bitch so watch your back, kids.
First things first let’s discuss why people bully each other. These reasons aren’t excuses and they don’t justify their actions so they should still be held accountable.
1. Bad home life 2. Anger issues 3. Inner self conflict / low self-esteem 4. peer pressure 5. popularity 6. Jealousy 7. Power 8.Pleasure 9. The bully has been bullied before 10. lonely ( so they crave the attention from you which is fear)
I think bullies are COWARDS, they are exactly that because they choose people who look vulnerable or easy targets, the victims or targets can’t or won’t defend themselves, for if the bully picked on people who were stronger or more intimidating they wouldn’t seem so powerful. Maybe they are all bark and no bite simply meaning that they pretend to be ‘ the big bad wolf ‘ and they could easily be overthrown.
Do you know why bullies don’t want ‘ authoritative figures ‘ < meaning teachers, principals and parents > to know what they’re doing? No, ok, they don’t because they don’t have power, they aren’t mighty or can control everything, they like to think that but they really don’t. If they really had power why don’t the teachers and stuff bow down to them?
Stop letting people like that control you and stand up for yourself but make sure you prepare yourself first < join a self defense class or something along those lines >
If you’re a bully and you do it just because you take pleasure in seeing people being tortured or hurt you’re a BLOODY sadistic bastard. < When ya’ll were in school did you ever hear about the Golden Rule; Do unto others what you would want others to do to you, in other words, treat people how you want to be treated.
If for the reason you’re bullying people because you were being bullied once upon a time, then remember how you felt when you were bullied, you didn’t like it so help stop the cycle.
Do you realize when someone who is stronger than them comes in the picture they bow down to them for they really have no power, they too are scared of someone? Someone who is truly powerful and strong is not interest in hurting others because they don’t need to prove anything to anyone. They will only lash out or become violent or defensive when someone has made them angry < You know poke the bear >
The ones who actually holds power keep more to themselves, has small group of friends, you can feel the dangerous aura radiating off them, they don’t care enough to irritate others or trouble them and they do whatever they want because they don’t bow down to anyone even people with authoritative figures. Even if they have bad things going on they don’t use that as a weakness but to make them stronger.
We have come to the end of this discussion but i have an announcement for my regular viewers. I will not be posting any articles, just for about 3 weeks because I have Exams , maybe if i have time and a topic comes to mind you might get a new one but i’m not promising anything. Oh and I’m also writing a book 😉
Now here are some cringe YouTube videos ; )