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Writer's picture: EllallriauEllallriau

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

Hello wonderful people of the internet, today you’re getting this. you’re welcome. The whole reason why this post is even a thing is because of my PD ( personal development or you can call it guidance) teacher because in a class she shared this video and the topic of our class session was procrastination, and I realized that i do procrastinate, but I’m a perfectionist and i’m also lazy.. I get what I have to get done at a reasonable time, but that time is usually considered a bit early this is so i don’t have to worry about having anything to do because i’m lazy and i could take that time to either do something productive or sleep or just scroll through social media or like read. ( basically activities SOME PEOPLE would call a waste of time.)

My teacher thinks procrastination is a huge reason why students stress so much and i agree she also says that we don’t know how to manage our time properly which i completely agree. Sometimes I do procrastinate because i find the task uninteresting or irrelevant. < lets take some time out for me to rant: Like the geo assignment i had to do with group members, the teacher had like six topics and she said that from each group member should work on a different topic in a google slides……. …..  and that is was due at the end of the our next class, so for the majority of that 1st class my group did a lot of work and then we said we would end up finish it during the next class’s single session but when that time came THE TEACHERRR was like no scratch that each group get to work on ONE of those topics so all that work we did went down the FLIPPING drain. back to the topic now > Sometimes your just not feeling a 100% and you don’t want to do it so you make excuses and you put off doing it until you absolutely have to.

Just like i have to read some notes for PE because we’re getting a Quoiziz but I know I’ll leave that for next week Tuesday on Wednesday so basically a day or two before I have PE class.  sometimes because you wait so long to do it you end up completely forgetting and that’s really not the way to go and that is why i have Google calendar, Google tasks and click up. .< Btw torii if you’re reading this please complete ALL your assignments on time else it will come back to bite you in the ass, you’re welcome for this FRIENDLY reminder. > 

And if you decided to be lazy and not watch the video or PROCRASTINATE and not watch it well then I say it’s your business, not mine. Tell me in the comments below what you thought of Today’s topic also you guys should be thanking me and grateful that you got a 2nd post this week. So kids don’t be like me and be too lazy to study for a unit test I have literally written after i post this wish me luck so i don’t fail. Thxxxxxx. Have a wonderful day and remember to drink your water because it’s good for you. I need a glass of NON ALCOHOLIC wine. 

- This is my first ever post.

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