Hello children who have a bad or non-existent relationship with their parents. Today is your time to shine. As you can tell from the title we’re talking about TOXIC PARENTS. If you’re a parent reading this and you realize that you’ve been a toxic parent then stop because that shit is traumatic for your child/children. Have a good day now let’s get BLOODY on with it.
According to healthline.com a Toxic Parent is a parent who display some or all of the following characteristics: Self-centered behaviors. Your parent may be emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, or perhaps uncaring when it comes to things that you need.Most times these parents feel like you owe them for them having to be your parent. Their is often no emotional connection between the child and the parent and the child feels alone, unloved and is probably depressed. A toxic parent degrades their child and be little them, and barely pays attention to the child. Everything the child does doesn’t seem to interest them nor do they think the child can do anything right.
Sometimes they aren’t just emotionally abusive, but mentally and physically abusive. As a child you don’t owe your parents anything they chose to do the deed and keep you, sometimes they prayed and begged for you but still they end up neglecting you.
Things a toxic parent might do( traits): -Insult the child -Dismiss the child’s feelings -Hit the child -Compare the child to others -Dismiss the child’s efforts -Call the child names like useless, stupid, ugly, disgusting, -Body shaming the child -parent is probably self centered -physically, verbally, mentally, emotionally abusive -controlling -no accountability -negative -Over dramatic -Trying to make the child seem bad in front of others -Judgemental
1.Stop trying to please them 2.Distance yourself from them 3.Be careful what you share with them because they will judge you 4.Learn to be independent 5.Don’t exhaust yourself trying to accomodate them 6.Learn how to not let their words affect you 7.Learn to defend yourself in case things get bad 8.Realize that in their eyes you will never be good enough 9. Find a safe space to express yourself 10. Don’t allow yourself to think that they want to change or have a good relationship with you 11. Don’t normalize their behavior