Hey Besties. Today I’m talking about loving yourself and not letting deep-rooted issues, insecurities and a toxic environment get in the way of you being happy. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and as always have an amazing day. < This might be a really short one >
Well, How do you love yourself?
^ Stop comparing yourself to others
^ Stop looking in the mirror until you can stop picking yourself apart
^ Look at all the things you like about yourself or write them down
^ Do whatever makes you happy
^ Stop caring about peoples’ opinions on you
^ Find something < Yoga, meditation, crystals, reading, swimming > that makes you feel at peace with yourself
^ Find someone that you trust to talk to about your insecurities or find some outlet to take out your anger < maybe a wreck room, not people tho >
^ Get away from the people that like to bring you down
^ Know when to say no and stop letting people take advantage of you
^ Be honest with yourself
^ Stay away from social media if you can’t handle seeing people who you consider to be better than you < because you will start comparing >
^ Stop being so hard on yourself for simple mistakes
^ Stop trying to be someone you are not
^ Don’t try to be perfect
^ Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t want to especially to please others
^ Work on bettering yourself for you
^ Make yourself a priority and take care of yourself
^ Respect yourself < because when people realize you don’t they will disrespect you and walk over you >
^ Realize your self worth
^ Don’t doubt yourself, believe in yourself
Deep Rooted issues and self-hatred – I think this is usually caused by someone around that keeps telling you that something is wrong with you. This person could be a bully, family member, co-worker or friends, really just someone around you that makes you feel bad about yourself or make you cry. This is also how toxic environments ties into this.
If you are constantly bringing down yourself and you’re in an environment in which people are bringing you down too, you are not gonna learn how to love yourself because you have people that will constantly remind you about your insecurities and tell you that you’re not good enough, so you need to get away from all that.
To be happy with yourself you have to leave the negativity behind and do what makes you feel good. Prioritize yourself and stop prioritizing people who don’t give 2 shits about you. Don’t be afraid to cut off people that don’t have your best interest. Remember that you are worthy of being loved and you shouldn’t settle for less.