Hello Strong independent Women of the internet. I just know I might get dragged for this one but I simply don’t care because I’m here to speak my truth, my opinions, my thoughts. I decided to write this because of a specific YouTube video called ” The bougie Black Women | Black femininity” by Mojisola Adams< I will attach the video of end> . Even though that video was about Black women this post is for ALl women because while watching that I realized that men likes Stupid Women. I hope you have a great weekend, let’s dive into it.
For starters Women Who are independent, behaves sophisticatedly, confident, and carries themself in a certain tend to be successful, correct? Yes, in movies those women tend to have trouble in the love Department and I think that’s because men see them as a threat to their masculinity because those women don’t need them. We all know the whole trope of Prince Charming or knight in shining armor and Damsel in Distress is a common narrative of how Society perceives gender roles < AND I BLOODY HATE IT> From what i’ve seen Some men not all are attracted to the whole innocent look, they like to feel important and they want to feel like the woman needs them.
Let us talk about How most shows depict these women. it shows they depict smart successful women as mean ,irritable, annoying Ruthless, socially awkward at times and just in a bad lighting kinda like the villian and towards the end of the movie when they finally give the woman a love interest that actually likes them ,the woman changes to not be like her old self which people perceived as bad. For example the movie What Men Want. The movie is basically about a black woman whom is tired of being overpowered by men in the Sports industry,< which is seen as a gender thing, the Narrative of women not being able to do what men do like sports or certain types of jobs that people would consider rough or for men> the female sports agent gains the ability to hear men’s thoughts and uses it to her advantage throughout the movie. If you’ve watched it you know how the men think of her in the movie.
I’m not saying the woman that they go after are necessarily Stupid, but just that they are submissive in some way. We all know the common book trope that involves the smart but poor women that will do anything to better herself but the boss falls in love with her because in a way she needs him, to like keep her job. Sometimes they’re in a situation where they need money urgently and the boss takes advantage of this and makes them a deal which usually involves then getting married or something along that line. or they simply use the fact that they are the boss and can easily fire them to their advantage to get them to do what they want, and then later on down in the story they end up falling for each other or more specifically the woman ends up falling for the man.
I just thought this trope is manipulative and if the woman wasn’t in need are quote on quote damsel in distress the relationship would have turned out much differently. if the woman was successful and didn’t need their help it would be much harder for the woman to fall for them.
Back in the day women were expected to obey men, do house work, be submissive, take mens’ abusive actions, expected to take care of children, act prim and proper. so when women started making names for themselves and becoming successful men saw that as a threat and I think that is why in the business industry men behave a certain way towards, especially when the women are doing better than them.
Women are always pressured by societal beauty standards and were discriminated against for not being perfect in the eyes of society which is disgusting. When women wear less clothes men see them as an object and they are treated like they are nothing, people also care less about what happens to women that wear less clothing, there’s no empathy given to them when something happens to them for example if a prostitute or a Stripper dies their cases aren’t taken seriously because they were quote on quote asking for it, they also aren’t respected and woman too give less respect to those women as well.
if you believe in some form of God then you must know the story of God creating Adam and God didn’t create him with clothing, also no one is born wearing clothing people are born naked, so I really don’t see the difference it makes when people wear less clothing because they came into this world naked. I think the fact that people dehumanize people for wearing less clothing is disgusting and it needs to be stopped.
I have honestly gone off topic but I said what needed to be said. men, stop preying an innocent woman. there are some men that do prefer stronger more independent women, so not all men are like this. I think Society really needs to change how we do things because Society is really fucked up. We just need to stop being judgemental, that would do everybody some good.
I will leave some videos below this that you guys can watch.