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Writer's picture: EllallriauEllallriau

HELLOOOOOOOOO you sad little children of the internet. So as you can BLOODY CHICKEN NUGGETS tell I’m now a POETIC GENIUS, it honestly doesn’t come as a surprise cause they’re a great cryptic way to get your thoughts out and when I feel those poetic crazy juices flowing I open the GOOGLE KEEP NOTES app and bada bing bada boom I have a FLIPPING poem. if what I call a poem is even classified as one. – You guys know the drill of not stealing my work and uploading it elsewhere and even if you’re BLOODY stubborn and still do it at least give me credit you arse. Anyways I left 3 < THREE> music videos below that you can play. I hope you get a very long break to relax on. The BESTEST GOODBYE my pretties.

ONLY YOU CAN SAVE YOURSELF ​No one can save you if you don’t want to be saved You’re all alone but that’s all you know You feel empty inside and you’re hoping to see the light at the end of the dark place you’re in Why even bother to cry it’s not like it’ll make a difference, it’s just the salt that burns your wounds

You lay there wallowing in your grief The self-pity there can be seen clearly You crave love but do you even know what love is

You just want to feel the warmth inside the empty shell you call a body filled Is that too hard to ask for you ask yourself You stare blankly at the wall as you unknowingly let your tears fall. You feel as though it is only you in this world even though they are over 7 billion but they don’t seem to careAs a child, you remember the hope gleaming through your eyes as you look at the sunset Bust as you grow you quickly come to learn that the world is not what is seems People always say that the world is a cruel place but what they don’t realize is that it is the people living it in is cruel. But no cause no wants to take the blame and admit the truth to themselves You know what they say, the truth hurts

The truth does hurt, it is a knife the pierces your heart shattering it into tiny pieces that cannot be put back together. They all pretend in front of your face put you see through the lies

They classify you as ‘damaged goods’ or ‘broken soul’ but you know what, you weren’t born like that you became so because of the hurt. Monsters aren’t born they are made. They see the horrors of the people on this earth, they have been so wickedly put punished even though they are undeserving of it.

No one can help you if you don’t want to be helped, always try to be your own Saviour no one will stay forever but the love for yourself will. Trust no one but yourself because it’s always the ones closest to you that want to hurt you and you can’t let them see the satisfaction of them hurting you.

Remember that at the end of the day it’s every man for himself, they won’t think twice before using you and disposing you like you we’re nothing but the dirt under their feet. So let them think they are playing you but you play their game and win against them and that is the greatest uno reverse card one can pull.



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