Holaaaa amigos. Sooo I was thinking about how ferocious and toxic fan bases are and decided why not open a conversation on why people shouldn’t become attached < or idolize > FAMOUS PEOPLE. Let’s dive in.
What does in mean to be attached? According to google the word attached means full of affection or fondness. What does idolize mean? According to https://www.merriam-webster.com/ idolize means: to worship as a god, to love or admire to excess.
Now that we have got our meanings out of the way let’s get into my thoughts. The relationship you have with your favorite celebrities and influencers is probably non existent therefore making it a one-sided relationship. Chances are they don’t even know who you are and you will probably never meet them. < sorry to crush your dreams >
The thing is because a person is famous, normal people think of them as Superior. Although they might be talented and have good looks, believe it or not they are humans and not Super heroes. They do things everyone else does, like eat, sleep, have families, e.t.c. They have probably been bullied when they were younger or before the fame.
When you idolize a celebrity, and they’re involved in a scandal, even if you know what they’re doing is wrong you don’t want to believe that that they can do bad things, because you love them and you hang on to their every word. But let me ask you this, Would you still defend them if they didn’t have their fame, money and good looks?
But then other times when evidence starts stacking up against them and you realize that other fans are leaving and then you have that internal battle with yourself if you should still support them are not. And then you become so disappointed in them that you start hating them and then there is the cancel culture. Also because they’re not that person you idolized anymore, that you adored anymore, you become mad at yourself for supporting them in the first place, they were probably a big part of your life and now that they’re not your favorite anymore you feel like a piece of you is missing.
We have to remember that people make mistakes but some are worse than other. < like murder, rape and assault > And because they are people and they make mistakes we cannot look at them like their gods and goddesses.
STAN CULTURE IS TOXIC. These people idolize their favorites and when someone say something even remotely bad to them they feel the need to attack those people on behalf of their ‘idol’. They send death threats, cuss them out and so on, which is not okay and can be considered assault.
OKAYYYYYY THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY tEd TaLK. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. I also will leave YouTube videos and articles for you below this. Byeeeeee my loves.