Hola Amigos. Today we’re talking about how people love to hate on Miss Beer. As always, love to hear your thoughts in the comments and have a great day, let’s start our discussion.
Who is Madison Beer. Madison beer is a 22 year old, singer, song writer, and internet personality but she’s mostly know for being pretty. She is very pretty but I like her music, especially Dead and Good in Goodbye. I would say she became famous because Justin Bieber gave her a shout out on Twitter. Click here to see a video about that.
So why do people hate on her? They say she got plastic surgery and photo shops her pictures to look as good as she does. Madison Beer had said that she had gotten lip fillers before. < I don’t think that makes a huge difference in one’s look and it isn’t permanent > So people hate her because she’s pretty / beautiful. < Now isn’t that ridiculous >
Now it would be a whole different ball game if she was all plastic and doesn’t disclose that she wasn’t born like that, < natural > because then people with low self-esteem will just be like… you know the whole reason that they love to use, that young girls will look at her and be like why don’t I look as pretty as she is, ya know. But she does look like that naturally and it’s not her fault if people are insecure about their own looks, so she doesn’t deserve to be hated on for something she cannot control.
The truth is people don’t want to believe that she just is naturally that pretty so they’re always trying to find some kind of excuse to say that she had plastic surgery she used Photoshop or all of that.
So my point is STOP HATING ON MADISON BEER. She didn’t do anything wrong. And even if she did have surgery it’s none of your business because if she wasn’t famous you would not care if she did. Normal people that aren’t famous get plastic surgery all the while and no one gives a shit so stop giving a shit about what Madison beer look like. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
Every person who is famous get in drama and she’s no exception. If she did something wrong then deserves to be dragged for it, drag her for all I care, just don’t hate on her because she’s pretty and you’re jealous.
Here’s my podcast episode about this.
Spotify version ^