Hello wonderful people of the internet who probably enjoy seeing me come up with all sorts of different things to talk about. So I was thinking about how robotic and boxed like our lives are, and I came up with the name, ‘ The Cycle Of Misery ‘ , I would definitely like to hear your thoughts on this topic. Lat’s dive in…
So What do I refer to the cycle of misery as? It is a simple as it is, OUR LIVES. In our life times we all have to go through stages, but I’m not talking about the ones of baby to toddler to adolescent to adult to elderly. Nope I’m talking about how basically our lives are planned out before people is aware of our existence. when parents are aware that there are going to be having a baby, what is the first thing they think about? In some cases they think about what their babies going to be like or what they’re going to do in the future, maybe when they’ll start school, different jobs they would like and all of that stuff. I’m correct aren’t I?
And because as It goes a child really has no say in what they do, it’s the parent that decide. Boys can naturally grow hair really tall just like a girl can, but because society says a boy or man’s hair should be short the parents will cut it without the child having a say. Some schools won’t allow a boy to grow out their hair and in some jobs that is frowned up on and you might be seen as unprofessional. But if boys weren’t supposed to have long hair then why would it be able to grow just as long as girl’s can.
We are all brain washed into this way of thinking. So the basic run through of life is, as a toddler you go to kindergarten/ basic school, then you go to Middle school / Primary school, then you go to High School, after high school you are expected to go to college or university but some people don’t get the chance to and then straight after college and university do you have to find a job because you need a piece of paper called money to survive. If you look at that from a different angle, then you can see that it’s all just a cycle cycle that were forced into doing before we even exist. Our lives are basically planned out for us before we even have a breath of oxygen.
The only time we are really able to relax and enjoy our ” Lives” is when we are old and elderly, sometimes to the point when we can’t even walk, that’s why Society wants us to be able to be ourselves and not be in this cycle of misery. It’s really the same old same old every day we wake up. Even get up at ridiculously Early times to start the day and over work ourselves.
Now if you look at this from a sort of religious standpoint, it is said that God plans out our lives for us, he has a purpose for creating us and he has a path for us to follow, so if we are religious we still don’t get to do what we want because our life is planned out by the God or Gods you believe in.
My opinion is just that we are all robot that are brainwashed or designed to follow a specific way of thinking, or to stay in the box that the general public is. If you look at school and In my opinion, school doesn’t teach us everything we need in life, school teaches us a lot of unnecessary things we do need and it teaches us the way they want us to think, the way Society wants us to think, they don’t teach us how to think for ourselves and outside the box they put us in. < I’m not bashing school, just kind of sating a thought >
It just doesn’t sit right with me how conditioned our way of living is and I call it the cycle of misery because we don’t all want to just work all the days of our lives. Some people don’t have a job because they like it, but because they have to earn money to support themselves and their families, they don’t really enjoy what they do, they do it because they have to do it. And maybe the job they want to do really doesn’t pay enough or it won’t have a desirable outcome, maybe people will just mock it and shun you, or you want to play it safe.
When you sit down and really think about it you will see the issue I see. Leave your thoughts in the comments. Have a wonderful day…