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Writer's picture: EllallriauEllallriau

Hey BESTIES. Today’s post is based off of the video above which shouldn’t BLOODY be a thing but it is and it’s sad. I recommend watching the video before reading this because a lot of things would make more sense and the context of the video relates to this article. 

First things first < is that even a thing > what is rejection? According to GOOGLE < Oxford languages > , rejection is the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, e.t.c. Rejection is apart of life and you should accept it and not attack the person because it bruised your ego. Not everyone is going to like or be interested in you so don’t go around trying to kill people because they refused you.

This behaviour should not be prohibited, woman aren’t entitled to give you their number or go on a date or do anything they don’t want to do. NO means NO. Some men won’t use violence but they’ll tell you off saying things like, “You’re ugly anyways” and they attack your appearance but it’s like why were you asking for the number if I wasn’t attractive and it just makes the man look immature and stupid.

You know the saying ” It’s a man’s world”? I think a lot of men’s entitlement or arrogance comes from this. Throughout history men, especially white men are used to getting their way and it’s not until 1848 that women were starting to get rights and were more respected.

This shouldn’t even be a thing because we’re all equal and we’re all human beans. < we all came out of a WOMAN’S vagina > So women shouldn’t be treated less than men.

let’s talk about misogyny. What exactly is misogyny? According to google Oxford languages, misogyny is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. misogyny has been a big problem throughout history for a very long time. Women were looked at as weak and in society they were seen as just care takers for their children and to do housework.

When women broke out of these stereotypes and decided to be independent, in work places the men would treat the women as if they were dumb, they would be emotionally and mentally abusive and maybe even physically abused as well as the men would be hostile. I think they just felt threatened by women and as a result they behaved that way and that should not be an excuse.

Women who refused to submit to men were treated even worse. Some of the things they would have to go through would be sexual harassment, violence against them, femicide, sexism, hate crimes committed against them, misogynistic terrorism and others. Women who were submissive to men would go through things like this but not as extreme as the ones who would refuse them.

Men do not like other men over powering them so imagine a woman overpowering them. That is why they would go to the extreme to break and punish women who refused them because they felt that their masculinity would be destroyed. Power is a dangerous thing and it causes us to be greedy which is not a good thing.

Even the word woman comes from man, and that is why I don’t really like to use woman to refer to the female gender but I use lady or girls, it is the same thing with female and male. The base word just has to be something with men. When speaking languages such as French and Spanish the dominant gender used to describe people as a whole would be mail and it annoys me. If both men and women are in a group together the plural form they would use would be the masculine, if the whole group is men they use a masculine form and if the whole group is women they use a feminine form. Now my question is, why couldn’t they have just made a word for a mixed group instead of just generalizing it with a masculine form.

​Our society is messed up and if we want a healthy and not toxic place to live in we are going to have to do a lot of things to rewrite history, because history is the foundation for all the toxicness in the world today.

Let’s talk about how women have to take defence classes and learn how to protect themselves from men. There was an instance when they were giving a curfew to Women because MEN couldn’t CONTROL themselves and not take no for an answer. Even though MEN is the problem the women are being PUNISHED. Women feel unsafe because of men, I know it’s not all men but it’s still men that is the issue or problem. Instead of giving women curfews they should give the men the curfews, they’re the ones causing the harm. And that really shows how society favours men and the privilege they have.

We have come to the end tell me your point of view in the comments below as well as I’ll leave some more YouTube videos relating to this topic. Have a great day and help better society. 

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