Hey besties, I haven’t written something like this in a while so here we are. I think this topic is important to talk about and we should just not assume children are stupid and stop ignoring their concerns. Now let’s dive into our discussion and as always have a great day. ❤
Let’s address the sheltering kids from the world and letting them enjoy their childhood. Yes, we should not throw kids into traumatic experiences and expose them to things that their brains aren’t equipped for. But there are basic things that affect our everyday lives that kids should know about & I think them knowing these things will lessen the bad experiences for others. < Like telling your kids about racism and that they should discriminate or bully children who are different from them.>
I like to think children are products of their environments. And how they were raised plays a big part in how they operate in the future. So if a child grows up with their parents treating them as if they're incapable of doing anything they will probably not know how to do anything. It’s like not telling your child about sex but they're gonna find out anyway and them getting that info from an improper source could be a problem later on.
People usually shut kids’ ideas down and brush off or ignore what they have to say. That is telling your child that you’re not a safe space to express their feelings and they’ll pick up on that then not talk to you about the things that are affecting them and so on. Some parents think that they really know their children but they don’t, some kids put up a front or a persona in front of their parents.
children are figuring out what the world is and they’re curious, they constantly have questions or ideas, and it’s a part of their development. Yes, some of these ideas and questions might be ridiculous or incredibly stupid but they don’t know that. And if you don’t listen to them you’re gonna miss the good ideas.
Now a kid that grew up with their parents not allowing them to express themselves will have trouble talking about themselves, ideas and so on, always second-guessing themselves and just doubt.
So what should you take from this? Children have feelings, opinions and ideas, their brains just aren’t fully developed yet, so they might not be great ideas but their humans and they should be allowed to express themselves and just be able to feel like they belong and are accepted not shunned or ignored.