I guess every one has their thing. Well the thing with me is that I don’t know what mine is or maybe I do? Every one’s going through something could Be depression, addiction or just not feeling like you have no purpose ,even though you have, you just are too afraid to discover it. Play pretend and maybe it will come a reality just down drown in your lies and petty fist fights. I’m a take a wild guess and say mine Is just not giving a fuck. And if I do I pretend, I do until it’s no longer pretend. I just won’t accept that things to do affect me. And people, well what do they do with that? They run with it like a golden egg. Not because I don’t display my emotions like an art gallery means that I don’t have them. Yes, I know I’m a stone cold bitch who’s probably fucked in the head but well who cares? And that’s the question who cares? No one. Absolutely none. You have the ones that like to hide in the corner that sees everything but no one sees them. And their the ones that really holds the power and sits at the head of the table in a card game. But guess what, you haven’t caught on. If you did you would know they wouldn’t be at the head because that’s for the people who has the fake power that can vanish at any second. They sit in plain site, they look like rest. It’s camouflage. Underestimating your opponent is how you lose the game before it started. Now who are you and what’s your thing? Remember everyone’s hiding something, their bleeding red on the inside and whit on the out. – Elle