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Hello lovely people of the internet. Today I’m talking about how women can be misogynistic too and all that fun stuff. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Just be kind to everyone and Enjoy your day : )
So what is MISOGYNY? According to https://www.merriam-webster.com/ , misogyny is hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women. Now what I mean by ” Women can be misogynistic too” is that either a woman can do this subconsciously or they genuinely have a hatred for Other Women < females >.
Let’s talk about how women can subconsciously be misogynistic. Throughout history, society and generations woman or girls have been taught that men are stronger, men are more capable, the harder work are for men, girls should be in the kitchen, in the house, being a caretaker basically and many more other gender-biased things.
Don’t get me wrong, these stereotypes also affects the men with self-esteem and mental issues because if they aren’t what is this is above their considered week, not Manly, and there is pressure put on them to be exactly like those stereotypes and then they are shunned if they don’t play into it.
What really inspired me to write this article is from the TV show Bull. < If you have not seen my article on bull click here > In episode 2 called ‘ The woman in 8D, a pilot who is a woman, was involved in a plane crash and she had to go to court that is why she needed the team. In the process of them analyzing the situation it came out that, they will use the fact that she was a woman against her, their arguments being that she’s incapable, even though she hasn’t had any problems before this crash < she was the only Survivor> To really understand what I am saying you would have to watch the episode. Click here to watch it for free.
Sometimes you don’t even realize the underlying meaning things can have when you say something. That’s because our brains stores all the information such as our experiences, things we’ve been told or heard. We don’t always have access to everything inside our brain and then things we do or say is affected by our subconscious mind < Meaning of subconsciously: in a way that is influenced by the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware.>
That also happens when women judge other women for not submitting to society’s standards. Just like when men have sexist things to say about women, women do that too. < some women does submit to society’s standards and what society says is right, so they judge those other women because The Other Women aren’t like them>
Let’s talk about why women hate on other women. I think those women that do indulge in society’s standards are jealous of the women who don’t because they’re insecure and feel the need for them to be valid by other people’s opinions, now you have to remember there’s a generic way of thought that people think, most times other people just go with what others say because they don’t want to be considered different, < basically I’m saying they want to be included >
Those women who genuinely hate on other women have issues with themselves and if they don’t fix that, then they won’t be able to be happy for other people. I think those women feel like they’re in a box and so they are scared to come out of the box, and they wish they were able to break away from the views of society, and into what they actually want to be. Their scared of what other people will think about them and all the judging they will receive if they decided not to agree with the general public, so then they decide to continue to remain in that box. And they’re angry with themselves for allowing themselves to continue to remain in the box so they take that out on other women who are able to do what they cannot do.
And the issue is the general public or Society in other words. people will break down, say hurtful things, commit crimes and so on against people who have different opinions or don’t believe in the things that they believe in. Therefore because people don’t want that, they will continue to agree to the general idea and then they won’t be themselves. < basically because they are scared.
Tank you guys for reheating I will see you in the next one. I will also leave other articles and YouTube videos you can explore. Byeeeeeee