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A snip bit into my thoughts on Christianity…

Writer's picture: EllallriauEllallriau

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

Podcast website post here


Hola besties so this is a little snip bit from A podcast episode that i’ll be publishing. So the following texts or my thoughts on Christians and the religion the podcast is like 2 hours long so I decided to cut a little section that you can just skim over. Let’s get into it. < Keep in mind this is un edited and a script outline >


I wouldn’t necessarily say I believe in conspiracy theories, I just like to be open-minded and listen to all sides. I do think about a lot of different things though and then my view on something might change. I do very much say I believe in Verse 13. I do fear what I do not know. I like to think that us as humans biggest weakness is our lack of knowledge or better yet knowledge that is actually true and that is not made up or created like philosophy.

We don’t know God. We have never seen him or what he is truly capable of < God is a spirit and I don’t think he has a gender so I’m gonna refer to him as he since I think calling him “it” is disrespectful and he is commonly referred to as he > Not knowing who your up against is the worst and most unfortunate thing since you aren’t prepared. There is not a book in the bible that is written by God or Jesus himself, only the disciples and his prophets.

  1. ^ My thing with ” bad words ” I’ve never thought bad words were in the Bible and what I mean by that is that The words that are considered as bad weren’t listed out, like how God says we should not eat pig < from Leviticus 11:27 > but I did google it just in case. I did find an article talking about this < > But how do we know the words we consider bad today are like actually bad. You know like people showing the middle finger to mean something bad but it’s just a finger we only come up with meanings. A thing about humans is that we can’t resist when something is claimed or considered to be forbidden.

^ Christians are overly defensive when someone tries to put a new idea on the table. I also think they judge way too much when they themselves aren’t living a sin-free life. Yes, some of these things that they judge us on are not innocent but instead of like cussing them out or talking behind their back they should help that person to understand that it is wrong and how they can better themselves and In some way, I think they’re hypocrites. I think all you need to do to possibly go to heaven is live a good life, minding your business and not submit to temptation, and you’re not doing anything bad. Some of them believe that you're not a Christian then you can’t possibly be living a sin-free life.

It might surprise them how some no believers can go to heaven and some Christians going to hell. People interpret things different therefore I don’t think we should believe everything the newer Bibles say plus they can leave out and add on and you won’t necessarily know because you’ve never read the original, Original Bible nor would you know how to read it.

^ The whole conservative clothes dilemma. I would like to say that Adam and Eve were naked and they didn’t care until they decided to give into the curiosity and the lust for doing the forbidden, and they went against God by doing that. Now after then did they become conscious of themselves and started using leaves to cover their private parts.

^ A thing I’ve noticed about some Christians < at least the ones I’ve met > Is that they’re so 2 faced and they love to judge, they make everything their business. As my dad says he’s not necessarily a Christian because it is a style but he is a child or follower of God. And I agree but might not be for the same reasons he does. I think so because being a Christian is somewhat of a good rep well not really to non-believers and I understand why. To me, it feels like Christians just love to judge because they feel like it’s a duty that they need to do. But what they don’t realize is that they have no power over the earth or people only God does and he is the only one that decides if we go to hell or go with him to Heaven.

And they wonder why people don’t want to come to church, it’s not God, it’s them who are the problem. Nobody wants to be somewhere in which they can’t feel comfortable. Honestly, when I go to church I feel like if I do something their gonna start talking about me or judging me, I feel like I have to prove something to them and it makes me uncomfortable and not want to participate in anything, It’s like I’m even self-conscious of walking down the aisle to go throw my offering. I don’t usually care about what people think but then that happens and it’s not fun having to contemplate your every move, maybe it’s just that they come off as if they’re pure than everyone else or they more righteous and holy. Then sometimes they be pressuring you to do things < maybe their not but it feels like that.

^ Now although the Bible is the word of God it is written and translated by humans. And humans are always making mistakes or tweaking things to benefit them, Just like the Slave Bible < > The slave masters would manipulate scriptures to justify slavery.

Just going to church does not guarantee that we will go to heaven. You could be baptized, go to church every week but still not be saved. And that’s because you’re not living a clean life. I don’t believe that I have to go to church, I could keep my own church with people I trust and know or just be by myself. As long as I’m not doing unholy things, praying, worshipping God and doing things God would approve of then I believe I could go live n heaven with God. To me, the church is human validation.


< R’s Statement – ” I do agree that mistakes could’ve been made when making the bible, you probably don’t have to go to church but i think its an important aspect of like religion gathering in together before God yk “

R’s Thoughts: ” I am a Christian myself and definitely not the best. I believe God exists but the idea of religion is so confusing. It's like we have to look beyond the human eyes but then you question some things using logic and you’re like “how does make sense” “why this” “why couldn’t this have happened”. we have no idea how we came into this world no matter what science says. They're also so many denominations which I dislike. I believe we should just live being thankful unto God and be good people.”


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