^ podcast episode
Hey Besties. On this lovely day, I watched 365 days. I know this came out a while back but I just wasn't interested. I was going to do Euphoria, but that's a series and I did not feel like going through that, so you get this. ENJOY!
The life of Laura, a simple sales director, changes when she takes a trip to Sicily but gets kidnapped by Massimo, a mafia member. Massimo keeps her hostage for 365 days to make her fall for him.
^ Massimo Torricelli
^ Laura Biel
^ The film basically starts out with some men offering a deal to the male lead's, Massimo, dad about selling women but the dad declines their offer and basically tells them to piss off.
Massimo's dad saw him looking through binoculars and asked him what he was looking at and realised that he was looking at a woman the dad then says - "Oh my son you have to be careful. Beautiful women are heaven for the eyes and hell for the soul and purgatory for the wallet."
After they talked a bit, he and the dad get shot and a bitch was shook. Like damn, we just met the man. A boring meeting then was held bla bla bla.
^ This whole show screams Wattpad. We all know I'm an avid Wattpad reader and I love the platform. It gives authors and writers a space to practice and gives them a lot of freedom and you're able to build communities on there.
This concept of a mafia or Mob boss kidnapping a woman he either fell in love with at first sight or she did something like steal from him, pissed him off or did something to get on his radar, is not a new concept but I've never really seen it been made into a film… Just books.
Authors have really been given opportunities to turn their work into films and shows which I think is incredible it adds new concepts and more content for us to consume. Just take a look at Anna Tod's After - they turned that into I think a 3 part thing. I'm not sure I've only watched the 1st movie. It was a bit cringy but it wasn't completely unbearable.
I know 365 days is not taken specifically from a book or Wattpad book but it has similar concepts to one which has been around for years - essentially the kidnapping trope.
^ Am I the only one that felt like Laura, the female lead's finance was one of those boyfriends that took their girlfriend for granted and that Laura didn't feel like she was appreciated in the relationship? I say this because in the 1st instance we see with the 2, Laura clearly is initiating affection and wants to spend time with her finance but he shuts her down. Like, he told her he had to finish some work and then when she asked if he couldn't just take a break he told her to go rest because they had a flight to catch early the next morning.
Now, I do understand that males or men have a right to not want affection whether pure or sexual from their spouse, just as women do, but I can't help but think he was making excuses to avoid her advances. If he didn't feel like spending time with her then he should have just said so. After he basically told her to leave him alone she looked down and disappointed but then this bonehead had the audacity to say - " Besides, you probably haven't packed for us yet, right?"
Like bitch go do it yourself, you didn't hire a maid tf.
^ Random thought but I think people who be working around organized crime criminals must have some info on them. Like… look at the woman from that plane scene about 10 mins into the show, they were openly discussing cocaine shipments around her. If the police were to question her I'm sure she knows some shit. They probably paid off the police tho. We all know people are corrupt.
^ Broooo I know we are all cringing at the scene with Massimo and the flight attendant around 11 minutes 35 seconds into the film. That whole lip rubbing moment was truly cringe af and made me want to exit the Netflix app. I just know those actors were uncomfortable with all the unnatural sex faces (Not that I would know how natural sex faces look cause I've never done it) they were making… ewwww.
The faces they were making were sooo bad it was comical.
^ Ya'll realize the show gave her an ugly, inattentive, asshole bf that can't exactly compare to Massimo. I think it would have been better if they made it a fair game instead of that because the 2 men are in 2 different leagues and are very different.
It would have just been more interesting to see 2 equally great love interests compete for the woman's attention and not have an obvious bias. It would be harder for her to choose between the 2 and the viewers wouldn't automatically vote or want the Female lead to end up with the male lead.
^ When he was singing her happy birthday miss gurl looked so embarrassed and uninterested. And then came the iconic phrase: "Are you lost, baby girl?" When I tell you I laughed, I laughed, not even laughed, a bitch cackled.
She even said to her friend that she was not the most important thing to him.
"In Martin's hierarchy, I'm way behind his buddies and work." - Laura
I loved it when she pushed his sorry ass into the pool fully clothed after their mini argument.
^ I swear Massimo is so creepy he always be sneaking up on her. And then the mother trucker kidnapped her and was like "You had a bad reaction to the sedative, I didn't know you had heart problems." Boy, didn't you do your research beforehand?
^ The whole speech he gave her as to why he kidnapped her is wack. Sir, you literally kidnapped her because you saw her when you and your dad were shot and wanted her to be "yours". Come on now. She is not your property or an object. You like her, you court her and try to make her like you, not kidnap her and be an asshole. No sense you nuh have.
I think he showed her that her bf was cheating on her or something and she wanted to leave as she should and manz pushed her arguably roughly into the chair and basically assaulted her. He squeezed her breast, he didn't go far but that is still unacceptable and disgusting. She did not give you permission.
^ As for acting, I wonder if some of the actors have any previous acting experience or were familiar with these troupes. The acting seemed so unnatural, uncomfortable and awkward. This movie has the potential to be way better if they changed a few things. If you see the behind the scene clips of the actors it looks so much more natural and cute than the actual film and that confuses me. Directors… what's gud?
If we're gonna compare this to the 50 shades series, the chemistry between the actors is way better, everything was consensual, it flowed well. I mean there could be some cringe moments in 50 shades but it is not as bad as 365 days. It felt like the scriptwriters were going for some kind of off-brand 50 shades fanfic but add mafia into it with a touch of intermediate Wattpad writer writing skills. And that is no shade to the writers of this film.
^ When she pulled out the gun at him around 26 minutes 25 seconds in, I was like OH DAMN.
You know that oldish dude that's with Massimo, he seems sketchy to me. I would be surprised if his old wrinkly ass was betraying Massimo.
^ Why is he so aggressive? Every time they have a dispute or something unfavourable happens he jumps her or pushes her down on the nearest surface. It's distasteful and gets old real quick. I guess since he's a "mafia man" it makes sense.
^ I thought 365 days would get better around the 43 minute mark but I was very wrong. When he said, "Teach me how to be gentle, for you." I thought that's would be the turning point of the movie. What I want is cute lovey-dovey scenes and they just have great chemistry and for it to not look so awkward and forced. This man chained her to his bed, go another woman to give him a blow job and forced Laura to watch. That was disgusting, I definitely skipped a few scenes.
^ When she was making him jealous in the club was amazing but then the man she was trying to make him jealous with was a cruff so that flopped.
Around the 1 hour 6 minutes mark, they had a dispute on a boat and she fell into the water. I like how he didn't even hesitate to jump into the water to get her. We don't need to talk about the about of ex they had on the boat after that incident.
^ I am now 1 hour 43 minutes and 20 seconds into the film. I accidentally skipped over the part in which Massimo proposed to Laura but apparently she is pregnant and her friend is going crazy and says that she is trapped in a golden cage. I didn't think she would get pregnant but I'm not surprised as this is common.
^ In the end, they implied that Laura died. I don't think she did because they always make it seem like one of them is dead and then they end up not being dead. And if she is actually dead the worst part is that she is pregnant. And that is truly sad. I would have shed a tear or 2 if it was a book but oddly, I didn't for this and I think it's because I don't think she actually died.
They have a 2nd 365 days but I will not be watching it, I'm not that invested in the film nor the characters.
^ To really kick this off, I give the movie a solid 3 stars. I did get better because he wasn't so rough with her and they actually had some cute moments. It started off awkward, really cringey & unnatural but it wasn't that bad of a movie.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐