Hey Besties, Go listen to the podcast episode for this, what you will be reading is an outline of the topics I talked about, I went more in depth about each one on the podcast episode. I would love to hear tour thoughts.
What is the Body positivity movement?
According to Wikipedia
Body positivity is a social movement focused on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities, while challenging present-day beauty standards as an undesirable social construct.
^For me the Body positivity movement can be toxic in some ways but I think the message it is sending is good. It's great for people to have something like this as a support system when they are learning to love themselves. I feel like a lot of people are unhappy with their bodies and how they looks, even if they meet society's standards. I also think those people that do meet society standards are the most insecure, they are constantly striving to be better and want to maintain the image they have . So their always looking for "imperfections" so they can come up with solutions to fix them.
^ I don't think the world will ever be a place where everyone can have the space to love themselves. There will always be people that are gonna say things because a lot of thing are ingrained in us for years, it's gonna be vey hard to get people to have an open mind and stop judging people.
^ These people are selling what they themselves won't buy. I feel that some of the people who are pushing this don't even believe in it themselves. Putting yourself worth into what people view you as, is going to be your downfall, don't let people who you don't even know control your life.
^ Accept it or not but people tend to judge or decide if they like or dislike someone based on their appearance instead of getting to know the person which I think is un fair and quite shallow. People can't change how they look, at least naturally and plastic surgery is quite unattainable for most, plus why would anyone want to go through unnecessary pain to please others.
^ I think self hate stems from your teenage self. It can be from when you're a kid as some kids can care about what they look like, when a kid cares about that some shit went down that's messing with them and you know that's bad.
So lets talk about why a teen would hate themselves. There are many reasons why one would hate themselves, so imagine that as a vulnerable teen who's just trying to grasp the world they live in and figure out who they are. Some go on into adult hood still not Knowing themselves.
It could be bullying, comparing themselves to other, family members, some one they idolize, social media, could be because the person they like made fun of them, or they're not their crushes type, could be a traumatic event they blame on themselves as well as many other things. And over thinking can be a bitch.
^ Learning to love yourself is a huge obstacle to over come. As for books in that genre, I would say be careful. People can profit off of your insecurities and they will. So make sure the author of the book you’re reading know what their talking about. Buying books is a cheaper option than a therapist or seeing a psychologist but it may do more harm than good.
^ According to choosingtherapy.com, Diet culture refers to a rigid set of expectations about valuing thinness and attractiveness over physical health and emotional well-being. And if that doesn't scream toxic, I don't know what does. I'm pretty sure you can see the connection between topics.
I would say social media plays a big part in this. Across platforms there are a bunch of ads that relate to losing wait or offering quick fixes to your "problems" a lot of times these things aren't even good for you. You know what I hate? The fact that people love to capitalize off of persons fears, insecurities, desperateness', and tumbling mental state.
^ Let's talk about how the fat friend gets treated. Usually they're ignored and regarded ugly, and the only factor as to why is them being bigger than the "desired" size. Like do you not think they have feelings? If the friend that is being treated good doesn't stand up for their friend then that's saying something, drop them. How you gonna let someone disrespect your friend because of their size.
^ Not because someone is bigger means they're un healthy, sometimes people who are bigger are more fit that thinner people.
^ Just a person being slightly bigger they are deemed to be un attractive, there is no need to bring race into this but I feel like black people especially black women, are looked at as even more unattractive, and sometimes it's the most questionable looking people running their mouths.
^ let's discuss people loving to fat shame women who just gave birth or women that have children. That woman had to eat for too and had a baby growing inside her, not only that but her vagina probably like got stretched to 10cm wide and you want to shame her on having a little belly fat after giving birth.
According to Google, oxford languages, an eating disorder is
any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. Now I think, self hate, a bad environment, diet culture, someone who you care for criticizing your size and so on actually causes this. Now since this is a mental illness it starts with your thoughts and then ends hup hurting you physically. ED's are not easy to get over but easy to develop so don't be insensitive and make fun of people. Also Ed's lead to other problems like depression. So the next time you think about calling someone something offensive, don't, and don't do it as a joke, it's not funny and it's very much tasteless.
Skinny shaming is just as bad as fat shaming. It's like people can't win. You're bigger than the norm you get made fun of, you're skinny you get made fun. Can we just leave people alone. People like to disregard the fact that a person who is being shamed for being skinny is allowed to feel offended. You're still making fun of their bodies. Some people just are meant to be on the thinner side and that's that.
^ Like having ass and boobs isn't every thing and if people don't have "Shape" them flat, they are a piece of board, they are this and that. Like just be quiet.
^ I think that males get a lot of shit for being skinny just as much as females. Like if a man don't have a buff body, abs, muscles, e.t.c they are made fun. Men don't have to look like that. Also these topics society like to address females feelings more than males and that's unfair, males deserve to have a safe space where they can express that they are insecure about something or just their feeling in general and not feel like they will be emasculated or be told to man up.
" I think some people be like advocating for body positivity when in fact they are not healthy .Body positivity is accepting who you are for example you have some growth disorder or something ....its no being unhealthy and saying oh I love myself the way I am and stuff like how some people on social media do ...idk if I explained that how I wanted to say it but anyways I understand that people have eating disorders and stuff and that's why its harder form them to either gain or lose weight."
" social media is huge yk like a lot of people adapt different things or try to be like others and stuff."
" like for example tik tok, i read an article about teens having body tics pretending to be someone with Tourette syndrome."