You opened the gas station’s bathroom door only to see blood oozing from underneath one of the stalls.
You felt chills run down your spine as you walked further into the bathroom. Fear tickled your skin and you contemplated whether to run or continue looking around the old looking bathroom.
You walked up to the door but not close enough for you to get the red unknown substance which you're assuming is blood, on your shoes. Today is April 1st and you think that this might be a prank but just in case it wasn’t, you got a piece of toilet paper to use to open the door.
The white door now stained in blood opened with a slight creak. Your eyes widened in shock or is it fear at the scene in front of you. As soon as your brain actually registered what you just saw you let out an earth-shattering scream.
Your scream echoed through the bathroom and bounced off the walls. Soon enough people came bursting through the door. They soon realized what caused you to scream like that.
In the toilet was the head of a girl. Her eyes were rolled back and there was blood all over her face. Next to that was her body. It was covered in bruises and blood gushing from almost every wound.
The walls were splattered in blood as well. The unknown girl’s eyes taunted you. You shiver in fear. You felt like you were walking in on a horror movie scene.
Suddenly you hear police making their way over to the scene. You were so shaken up that you didn’t even realize when the police were called. A policewoman ushered you out of the bathroom, still in your frozen state.
This day haunted you forever. The nightmares drug you into a world of fear and pain, you could never unsee what you uncovered that day. Your days were now black and it had lost the yellow of the scorching sun. That day, something in you broke.
-// 𝔂𝔁𝔂 <3 𝓔𝓵𝓵𝓮 //
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