(505) 434-*****: OMG! Jessie, I killed him. I’m freaking out. HELP ME!
(505) 891 - ****: Uh Hi? This is not Jessie. But- may I ask why did you kill him?
(505) 434-*****: Oh shit! Fudge cakes! Forget you saw this message, please.
(505) 891 - ****: Wait, I wanna Know!
(505) 891 - ****: Don’t leave me on read!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(505) 891 - ****: Hey!
(505) 891 - ****: Hello
(505) 891 - ****: Hi!!!!
(505) 891 - ****: Random person who killed someone!
(505) 434-*****: I would apricate if you stopped texting me or I’ll be forced to block you. 😐
(505) 891 - ****: Did you actually kill someone? Am I really texting a murderer?
(505) 434-*****: No, I didn’t. This was supposed to be a prank.
(505) 891 - ****: oh. Thought I actually “Witnessed” a murder.
(505) 434-*****: okay? You sound way too chill right now. Are you like a serial killer or something?
(505) 891 - ****: Nah. My best friend is a detective though. Imagine how ironic it would be If I was really a serial killer.
(505) 434-*****: Mhmmm…
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(505) 891 - ****: Hey best friend!
(505) 434-*****: Bro… I don’t even know you.
(505) 891 - ****: Yeah. So?
(505) 434-*****: I can’t with you 🙄. So are now going to avidly be a thorn in my side.
(505) 891 - ****: Sure sugar. I know you enjoy my company.
(505) 434-*****: Cocky aren’t we, buttercup?
(505) 891 - ****: Buttercup? Oh gosh. Anyways, yes, we are cocky, quite big too.
(505) 434-*****: Ha ha so funny. Not.
(505) 891 - ****: Hugs & kisses, Sugar. Cheerio! 👋🏼
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(505) 891 - ****: Hey Sugar!
(505) 434-*****: How do you find time to annoy me? Do you even have a job? Oh, I see…
(505) 891 - ****: You see what, baby cakes?
(505) 434-*****: You’re a child. Probably some 15 year old boy who’s in your room all day. Also, What’s with you and the nicknames? Baby cakes? Really?
(505) 891 - ****: I mean you got my gender right. Definitely not 15 tho.
(505) 434-*****: I totally believe you ✨
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(505) 891 - ****: So… Baby cakes- What’s your name?
(505) 434-*****: Diana
(505) 891 - ****: Diana? Didn’t peg you as a Diana or that you would tell me so easily. I thought I would probably have to beg you on my knees to know it.
(505) 434-*****: Diana Ross here baby!
(505) 891 - ****: I knew it!
(505) 891 - ****: You lied to me Sugar. How could you?
(505) 434-*****: I’m going to block you 😐
(505) 891 - ****: NO NO NO NO NO NO
(505) 891 - ****: I’ll spam you on a different number then.
(505) 434-*****: I’ll just change my number then idiot.
(505) 891 - ****: Are you gonna tell me your name or nah?
(505) 434-*****: Stop being a big baby.
(505) 891 - ****: I’m very much a man.
(505) 434-*****: My name is Kathrine.
(505) 891 - ****: Ahhhh. So, Vampire Diaries. Lovely.
(505) 434-*****: Ohh shush. At least I get to be around Stefan and Damien than you annoying cry baby.
(505) 891 - ****: I have no problem changing my name to Stefan, baby cakes.
(505) 434-*****: So, what’s your name?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(505) 891 - ****: Baby Cakes!
(505) 891 - ****: Hello!
(505) 891 - ****: I know you are seeing my messages.
(505) 891 - ****: Please answer me
(505) 891 - ****: What did I do????
(505) 891 - ****: Oh yeah, nvm I know what I did… but answer me, please.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(505) 891 - ****: Are you ready to stop being petty now, Sugar?
(505) 434-*****: I was never being petty. You don’t deserve my pettiness. 🙄
(505) 891 - ****: Oh look who it is! It’s my baby cakes.
(505) 434-*****: I think it’s my time to push that big “BLOCK” button. It’s calling my name, buttercup.
(505) 891 - ****: NO 😕
(505) 434-*****: So, are you going to tell me your name?
(505) 891 - ****: It’s Kai
(505) 434-*****: Not gonna lie, Kai is a cool name.
(505) 891 - ****: Thx baby cakes
(505) 434-*****: Welcome. I’m going now. Bye, Bye.
(505) 891 - ****: Wait.
(505) 434-*****: Hmmm?
(505) 891 - ****: Can we meet, maybe at Dream Café, tomorrow?
(505) 434-*****: Okay, but you better not be a serial killer!
(505) 891 - ****: Bye Sugar. Pretend I kissed your forehead.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Katherine has been waiting on Kai in Dream Café for the past 30 minutes. “If he was going to be late, he should have just texted me,” she said to herself.
(505) 434-*****: KAI! Where are you? Are you even coming?
(505) 891 - ****: Hi Katherine, I’m Adrian, Kai’s best friend. Kai got in a car accident last night and he didn’t make it.
(505) 434-*****: If this is a joke, I’m going to kill him. Please tell me this is a joke.
(505) 891 - ****: No, it’s not a Joke, he’s truly gone. My best friend is gone!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(505) 434-*****: Kai…
(505) 434-*****: Are you really dead?
(505) 434-*****: I don’t believe it
*Message was unable to be sent. This number no longer exists*
꧁༺- // - 𝓔𝓵𝓵𝓮 <3 𝓐𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓱 -//-༻꧂
✨ELLE's NOTE - Hey besties! Do you like this texting type of style. It's pretty similar to the last scene/story I did, in the way of writing style. Hope you ENJOYED! Also, did you expect his death at the end? If you liked it, like the post. Don't forget to sign up, if you haven't already, to be notified when I post content. Byeeee.