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Hell Bound - Story

Writer's picture: EllallriauEllallriau

Updated: Mar 10, 2022


Akuntara walks out of his headquarters and begins his route through Hell. He is a high-ranking demon so no one questions him when they see him making his way through Hell. An hour later he arrives at the border that separates Hell, Heaven and Earth.

“Hello Sir Akuntara,” Akutara hears a voice. He turned around looking for who had called out to him. His eyes rest upon a border demon. These demons guard the border and register those who come out and come in.

“Hello border officer, Batsnu,” Akuntara says reading the demon’s name badge. “What are you doing at the border Sir?” Batsnu asks, his orange eyes pulsing.

“I’m going to Earth to take care of some business,” Akuntara replies blankly. He had no reason to go to Earth, he just simply wanted to. Akuntara was beginning to accumulate a sour mood as a mere border officer had no right to question a demon of his rank.

Before Border officer Batsnu could say or ask anything more, Akuntara had turned his back and walked away.

Akuntara closed his eyes and walked through the glassy portal. Soon he found himself standing in the middle of a road. He was lucky the road was abandoned and it was night time so no rotten humans were there to witness his demon form.

Akuntara quickly transformed into his human form. His black and grey body was now a light tanned colour. His large navy-blue horns had disappeared and his red glistening eyes were now a green colour.

He was naked as humans when they have just been born. Although he was not in demon form he was able to use a few of his powers. He walked along the road looking for shops where he could get clothes.


He came upon a couple of shops. He looked around until he saw one with sensible-looking clothes that a basic male human would wear. He walked through the glass that allowed people to see the clothes from the outside.

He grabbed simple black pants and a matching black satin button-up shirt. Akuntara had been to Earth before and had an identity. He was known as Akuntara NightNgale.

Once Akuntara was out of the store he looked around trying to figure out where on Earth he was. After his analysis, he came up with New York.

Demons could copy things they saw, so money was an easy means for Akuntara. He thought of going to a hotel to stay in for a while until he could buy a house of sorts.


Akuntara found himself at the Ragsan Hotel. He saw a human with money and decided that now would be a good time to make some. And he did exactly that.


4 months later

Four months had passed and Akuntara has managed to do a lot on earth. He bought a house within a week of being on Earth, he then proceeded to buy a chain of hotels as well as open up 4 restaurants in New York called, Chivere, Hell’s Delight, Moon cuisine and Lustfully Delicious.

He had a couple of things to do on his schedule today so he decided to get out of bed and get ready. After getting ready, eating and doing whatever normal things humans did he headed to his car.

On his way, Akuntara decided to stop at a gas station.

He got his gas and decided to go in the gas station. As he walks past the bathroom he hears muffled sounds coming from it. Normally Akuntara would just let it be but for some reason he was curious.

He slightly opens the door to see a woman stabbing a man to death. Akuntara found her absolutely beautiful. She had deep blue, green eyes and long black hair tied in a ponytail.

Saraniya felt eyes on her and she stopped stabbing her target and turned to look around. She found a man standing at the door with an unreadable look on his face.

Akuntara finally registered that the woman before him was now looking at him. All he could get out of his mouth was “beautiful”. Saraniya looked at the seemingly strange man in front of her who called her beautiful upon seeing her murder someone.

“Are you not frightened at the scene in front of you?” Saraniya asked Akuntara. “Not at all,” Akuntara said, not even phased by the situation. He is a demon, after all, this wasn’t anything new to him. He would take over Hell from his father, Karatashin, soon anyways and become the King of Hell.

“So beautiful, do you need help?” Akuntara asked. “What would you help with?” Saraniya asked curiously. "Well, anything you need,” Akuntara replied with a shrug of his shoulder.

Saraniya was curious about the man in front of her. She’s had to kill all the witnesses she’s ever had which wasn’t a lot anyway. She decided to test him, “I need new clothes, these ones are stained with blood,” she said. She already had clothes she just wanted to see what he could possibly do.

Akuntara gave her an earth-shattering smile. He snapped his fingers like some kind of genie you read in stories. In the blink of an eye, Saraniya was out of her bloodied clothes and in new ones.

In a long time, it was the 1st that shock was clearly evident on Saraniya’s face. “How’d you do that?” She asks. “Are you some kind of magician? She asks.

Saraniya looked at Akuntara as if she’d seen something strange. The man completely changed her clothes out of thin air, she had a right to be wary of him.

“Don’t worry your pretty little self, Darling,” Akuntara said. He knew that there were many questions running through her brain at this time. “What’s your name, you strange handsome man?” Saraniya asked him.

“I was given the name Akuntara,” he said, responding to her question. “Well then, nice to meet you Akuntara,” Saraniya said rolling the r in his name.

“May I know the name of the deadly beautiful woman that has caught my attention?” he asked. She rolled her eyes at him. She knew she was beautiful, and it often helped when disarming her victims. “I’m Saraniya Willowbrook,” she said. “You got a last name Akuntara?” she asked sarcastically. “Well of course love, It’s NightNgale,” Akuntara answered. “Oh, you’re that new rich guy, the web has been going crazy over,” she said. Akuntara nodded in response.

“You want to get out of here?” Akuntara asked her. “M’kay Tara, lets’s go,” she said walking out of the bathroom.

Tara? Akuntara questioned himself. That’s the 1st time someone’s called me that. No one ever shortens my name, it’s always Akuntara.


Back in Hell

“It’s been 5 months, where is Akuntara?” Karatashin questioned. He looked at the demons in front of him, none seeming to know the answer to his question. “Someone get me his ware-a-bouts now,” Karatashin’s voice boomed through the room. He was the Devil and king of Hell, when he talked everyone listened, except for that bloody son of his of course.

An hour later a demon turtled in Karatashin’s quarters. Upon closer inspection, Karatashin realized it was a border demon. “Why are you here?” Karatashin asked. “Hello, Demon King, Karatashin, I know where Demon Prince Akuntara is,” he said as he bowed down in front of Karatashin. “Karatashin turned his head looking at the border demon in front of him.

Time passed and the demon stayed quiet. The Demon King became irritated. “Aren’t you going to tell me where he is,” Karatashin’s voice boomed.

The border demon squirmed under the Demon Kings intense gaze. “Ah, yes Demon King Karatashin,” The demon said lowly. “Demon Prince Akuntara is on Earth, I was there when he went through the portal and I never saw him come back,” the demon said, getting out the information quickly.

The border demon did not want to upset Demon King Karatashin. He has seen what happened when the Demon in front of him was out of control. He remembered the day, Demon King Karatashin single handily slaughtered thousands of demons by himself because God Gandugo had upset him.


Over the past month, Akuntara and Saraniya have become closer. Akuntara couldn’t lie to himself, he was bewitched and smitten by Saraniya.

“Hey Akuntara,” Saraniya said. “Yes Niya,” Akuntara responded. “Since as you have no problem with me killing, would you like to come with me to eliminate a target?” Saraniya asked Akuntara. “Sure, love,” Akuntara said as he plopped down on the couch beside her.

“Okay, awesome,” she said, “Meet me tonight at 11 at my house,” Saraniya added.


11 pm later that day

“You are one-minute late Tara,” Saraniya said smirking at Akuntara. “Boohoo, one minute is such a big deal,” Akuntara replied rolling his eyes at her. “Shush,” she said. “Okay, where are we going Niya?” Akuntara asked.

“We are breaking into the house of Mitchel Connor, He’s my target,” Saraniya explained. “Okay cool, let’s go,” Akuntara said. They got in Saraniya’s and she drove to the target’s house.

“You’re an assassin, right?” Akuntara questioned. “Yup,” she said popping the p.

Hell gets a lot of assassins and killers, we all know that’s where Saraniya is going. At least she’ll have me the next Demon King with her – Akuntara thought.

“Do you want to come with me or are you staying in the car,” Saraniya asks Akuntara as she parks the car. “I’ll come with you, love” Akuntara says getting out of the vehicle.

“Walk lightly, we don’t want the target to hear us,” Saraniya said. “Darling, I’m a demon I make no sound when I walk,” Akuntara says. Saraniya laughs softly thinking Akuntara was joking. Akuntara realized this but said nothing.

They entered the house through a window that they found unlocked, which was very unfortunate for the target.

“I was able to access the blueprints of his house, so I know where his room is, just follow me,” Saraniya whispered. Akuntara nodded as he continued to walk behind her.

Saraniya opened the bedroom door and walked towards the man who was sleeping in the bed. She positioned her gun right on his forehead. Feeling the cold metal, the man opened his eyes. His eyes widened in fear. Saraniya looked the man straight in the eyes, she said nothing then just shot him.

She made sure her target was dead before leaving the now bloody scene. She grabbed Akuntara’s hand and lead him out of the house quickly.

“I find it odd that you feel nothing about me killing a person,” Saraniya said as they sat in her car. “I am the Demon Prince, I’ll soon be the ruler of hell,” Akuntara said blankly.

She burst out laughing at what he had just said but stopped after she realized that he wasn’t laughing. “Are you actually serious?” She asked sobering up and Akuntara nodded. “What you like to see my demon form, love?” he asked her.

“Okay Tara,” she said, still not believing him. Akuntara then activated his demon form. His horns and everything appeared. Akuntara looked over to Saraniya only to see her looking uneasy, maybe a hint of fear and shock added in the mix.

“I will never hurt you or allow anyone or thing to hurt you, Saraniya,” Akuntara told her. She simply nodded, not being able to utter a word. Akuntara transformed back into his human form before speaking again. “I bet you have a lot of questions,” he said, his lips turning up at the corners a little, trying to lighten the mood.

“I do actually,” she said slowly. “Let’s go to my house and I’ll answer all of your questions,” Akuntara tells her. “M’kay,” she said as she started the car then drove off.


“Okay, ask away,” Akuntara said as he sat beside her on the couch. “Uh, well… I want to know everything,” she said. Akuntara chuckled at her eagerness to know more about him.

“Okay so, my dad is actually the devil, or demon king and his name is Karatashin.” He says. “I’ve been alive for about 6 billion years, I’m basically your senior,” he said and she rolled her eyes about him.

“I’ll actually be the demon king soon but I don’t want to leave you to go back to Hell,” he added. Saraniya melted a little. She found Akuntara very attractive and she actually likes him.

“So, what is Hell like?” Saraniya asked. “Are you asking because you’re going there?” Akuntara joked. She smacked his arm, “No you asshole.”


Back in Hell

“Demon Prince Akuntara still isn’t back, what are you going to do Demon King?” A high-ranking demon asked Karatashin during a meeting.

“Don’t you worry, If he isn’t back in a month, we’ll just have to pay my dear son a visit,” Demon King, Karatashin said plainly.


It’s been a month since Akuntara reviled himself to Sarnaiya as a demon. Akuntara knew he had to go back to Hell soon or he would be hearing from his father.

Akuntara also had told Saraniya about his romantic feelings for her. Saraniya had fallen for the demon’s charms and we’re still in the early stages of a relationship being formed.

Akuntara was taking Saraniya on a date today and she was quite excited.


“Are you going to tell me what we’re doing?” Saraniya asked Akuntara, as he sat in his car. “No, love, don’t worry your pretty little self,” Akuntara responded smiling at her. She shook her head at him, a small smile dancing on her delicate pink lips.

“Well, is what I’m wearing fir for the occasion?” she asked him. “Darling, you look breathtaking in that dress, and even if it wasn’t okay, you wouldn’t have to worry about it,” he says. Akuntara takes one of his hands from the staring wheel and held her hand.

They had held hands the whole drive to their destination. “Okay, are you ready love?” Akuntara asked Saraniya. “I am, Tara,” she responded. Akuntara got out of the car, and went to her side, he opened the door and offered her his hand. She gladly took it and then went on their way.

Saraniya looked around and realized that they were at a harbour and there was a huge private boat there. “So, we’re having our date on a yacht,” she said more than asked. “You’re so smart, love,” Akuntara said somewhat sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at him.

He led her unto the boat and greeting them at the entrance was the captain. “Hello Sir, Ma’am,” he said. “My name is Captain Harvey, and I’ll be your Captain for this trip, please enjoy yourself,” He added. “Hey Harvey, this is Miss WillowBrook, hopefully, Mrs NightNgale soon,” Akuntara said jokingly.

Saraniya melted a little bit at his statement. She was looking forward to where their “relationship” would take them.

A waiter soon came out of the woodworks and led them to their table. “What would you like?” the waiter asked handing them the menu.

The waiter was looking at Saraniya in a way that you could clearly see that he was interested. Akuntara obviously did not like this. “If you keep looking at her, I might have to gauge your eyeballs out,” Akuntara said looking deadly serious. The waiter gulped, taking his threat seriously.

Saraniya began to chuckle at him being jealous. “Dude, the waiter looks like he’s about to piss himself,” she said, covering her mouth as she was trying not to laugh. Akuntara simply rolled his eyes at her.

“Let’s get back to our lovely date, shall we, love?” He spoke more than asked.

Akuntara and Saraniya had elated conversations, there wasn’t one dense moment and the couple was enjoying themselves. Akuntara took a sip of his champagne before speaking, “Saraniya WillowBrook , I’m not proposing but asking the beautiful woman in front of me to be my girlfriend,” he said smiling at her.

“Of course I will Tara,” she said, a dazzling smile adorning her lips. She then leaned over the table and connected their lips.


Karatashin had just entered Earth. Of course the Demon King and been to Earth, many times at that. He was set on finding his son, Akuntara. He decided instead of wondering the Earth like an idiot to just teleport to him.

And that is exactly what Demon King, Karatashin did. Soon Karatashin came face to face with a door. Assuming it was Akuntara’s Earth dwellings, he pressed down on the button, which humans called a doorbell.

In a matter of seconds, Akuntara opened the door only to see his father. “What are you doing here?” Akuntara asked Karatashin as he leaned on the door. Akuntara was not foolish he knew why his father was here, he expected it sooner or later, rather unfortunately for Akuntara it happened sooner.

“You know why I’m here, Akuntara,” Karatashin said, a bored looked was plastered on his face. “You have to return to Hell soon, you will be the King of Hell,” Karatashin added. “Will you not invite me in,” he asked staring at his son.

Akuntara was not happy at all and he grudgefully opened to door and allowed Karatashin inside. Akuntara was happy that his now new girlfriend was not here to witness his father’s arrival.

“So, tell me, what has you hooked on Earth?” Karatashin asked sitting on the black leather couch. “Nothing you need to know, father,” Akuntara said plainly. He and his father never had a loving relationship. What do you expect from the Devil himself?

Aknutara crossed his arms and stayed standing as he observed his father. “I will come back to Hell when I feel like it,” Akuntara said. “It’s not as if you’re dead,” he muttered.

Karatashin smirked at his son’s behaviour. Perhaps he had found a lover. Karatashin knew there was something keeping his soon on the minuscule planet. He would find out sooner or later.

Akuntara didn’t want his father or any other celestial beings to know about his relationship with Saraniya. They were vicious and really didn’t care about humans. He didn’t exactly care about humans either but he would do anything for this particularly dangerous one that he is realizing he loves.


“God, Gandugo,” an angel said. “yes,” the God answered. “why do you call upon me?” The God questioned. “God Gadugo, Demon prince Aknutara, had been on Earth for quite a while now,” the angel said. Gandugo turned around, facing the angel as he was now interested. “Tell me, why is Akuntara on Earth?” Gandugo asked amused.

“We found out that he has taken a human for a lover,” the angel replied. The God stared off and pondered what this means. Relationships between celestial beings and humans are forbidden. If they mate and have a child, that child could not live amongst the humans.

God Gandugo had met the demon prince before, there had never really been anything about him. He was a relatively quiet demon, who kept to himself. He wasn’t surprised he had fallen for a human. Demons were known to break the rules.

“What do you want to do about this, God Gandugo?” the angel asked. “Simple, kill the human,” he said plainly.


Akuntara was in for a rude awakening. But he was prepared, as his father suffered a brutal fate with his mother. He knew that by now God Gandugo would have heard about his festivities on Earth. Akuntara was a strong demon, stronger than his father, the devil and could cause a lot of damage. Even without using his full potential.

For the past few days, he had not let Saraniya out of his sight, not one bit. He was not planning to lose her and he would not allow it.

Akuntara and Saraniya were cuddling on the couch this particular evening. Akuntara had a bad feeling as if something was going to happen. He had been making a fortress in his house for Saraniya if they came after her. He would not allow them to touch a single piece of her beautiful hair on her head.

An hour later into their hanging out Akuntara sensed something. Angels, they were coming. He quickly explained to Saraniya what was going on. “I love you, my love,” he said before teleporting her to the fortress he had created for her. It was the 1st time Akuntara was telling her that he loved her, he had to as he was not sure what their fate would be.

Akuntara changed into his demon form ready to take on the angels. These angels weren’t any of low rang, he knew Gandugo would not have sent them for this.

Soon the angels started appearing in hurdles. His face was emotionless and ready to kill. “Where is the human, Demon?” one of them asked. Did they not know of his status? He decided to kill that angel 1st as he disrespected his woman and as well as himself.

Akuntara flew over to him and clawed his eyes out, then swiftly snapped his neck, killing him instantly. The angles were a bit shocked as no mere, regular demon could do this to an angel of their ranking.

An angel charged at Akuntara with a sword. Playing dirty, aren’t they? Akuntara grabbed the sword from the Angel and plunged it into his chest, killing it.


Saraniya sat in the fortress that surrounded her. It looked like it was protected by some layer of magic. She was glad that Tara had placed something in there for her. A special looking knife thing, some food, beverages as well as stuff for entertainment.

She hoped he was okay. If she told someone that her boyfriend is a demon and is currently fighting angels, they would think she was a lunatic and lock her up in a mental asylum. Suddenly she remembered what he said before sending her off here. She didn’t even have time to process what he had said or even to say it back.

Did she love Akuntara? Yes. She didn’t care if he was a demon or not. He treats her like a queen and he makes her happy. He had no problem with her being an assassin. The man’s a demon for bloody crying out loud. She just hopes she will have the chance to tell him that she too loves him.


Akuntara was currently fighting off 2 angels at the same time. He rammed his horns into one angel then took his hand and crushed the head of the other. He was killing angels like it was nobody’s business and angel bodies were falling like dust.

Soon he killed the very last angel by plunging out their guts. Akuntara was happy he was able to protect the love of his life and he was pleased with the fact that he didn’t have to get rid of the angels’ bodies because they vanished when they died,



Decades later

Akuntara had taken over the throne from his father and is now the Demon King. He had married Saraniya and she became his queen, helping him rule Hell.

Akuntara got God Gandugo and the angels to leave his wife alone and they dwelled in hell with their now 3 children. Yrenthiset, Saraphina and Leveisin, those little demons, kept the other on their tail.

At 1st the demons weren’t so welcoming towards Saraniya, but they learnt she was more deadly than she looked and her husband was not going to let rude behaviour towards the love of his life slide.

Saraniya could go back to Earth when she felt like it, as Hell was overwhelming and sometimes she needed normality. She married a demon, was living in Hell and carried 3 children who has demon blood and are quite the handful.

As little as they were, they were dangerous. It was not surprising for the parents of the 3 as one is an assassin and the other is the Devil.

Saraniya was not a demon but she married the devil and is very skilled, she had access to weapons in Hell and often helped her husband in torture. They’re what you call a killer couple.

꧁༺- // - 𝓔𝓵𝓵𝓮 <3 𝓐𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓱 -//-༻꧂


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