There I stand, staring at the love of my life. She's dancing in the field of dandelions. Her beautiful long black hair flowing with the wind. She looks so happy, alive, free. I didn't know it was possible for my smile to grow bigger than it already was.
She was now twirling, her white dress making her appear more angelic. God, she is perfect. "Come dance with me," she demands softly. "Anything for you, my love," I say getting up from my sitting position.
We looked into each other's eyes as we sway. My hands were on her hips, her hands around my neck, our bodies pressed up against each other. I wanted to savour this moment, I wanted it to last forever. The dandelions wanting to dance too, took the wind hand in hand and they too had their moment. I felt euphoric at that moment, my worries washing away, and I was just simply existing with the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
My eyes fluttered close, savouring this wonderful feeling. Suddenly I heard an annoying buzzing sound and my eyes opened. I was no longer in the dandelion field. I was in a bedroom. I blinked my eyes a few more times getting used to the harsh lights. I then realized I was in my bedroom.
I looked over to the other side wanting to see my wife but she was not there. I rubbed my eyes hoping I was seeing wrong. But to no avail, she still was not there. Then it dawned on me. She's gone. She died. She left me alone in this world. Without her I am nothing.
Tears streamed down my face and my heart clenched painfully as I realized I was dreaming.
This is the 2nd version, the 1st version should be linked under this post in the suggested. ( It's basically this without the sad part) In case it isn't the link is here: