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The Mental Asylum - Short story/ scene

Writer's picture: EllallriauEllallriau

Updated: Mar 10, 2022


I'm Nahomi Garnicia and I just checked myself into a mental institution. Yes, you heard right. Just note I'm not insane at all. I am here for a completely different reason.

"Miss Kalia Jenson, you are patient 495 and you will be referred as such, you will room with patient 494 on the Sworsi block." The receptionist said. " The nurse right here will show you to your quarters," she continues. She stopped talking and looked down at her screen so I think she dismissed me. I took that as rude and usually I wouldn't tolerate this but I'm here to do something and I will get it done so let it slide.

" Patient 495, this is your room, your uniformed pyjamas and other necessities are in there," The nurse says. "Okay thank you," I responded. "At 7:50 pm tonight, new patients such as yourself are required to be in the lounge for rules and other announcements," She said then walked away.

The people here seem to be like rude robots. I know I won't be liking my stay here much if at all. I then decided instead of staying out here like a lunatic I should enter the dorm-like room.

The room has basic white walls, 2 relatively small beds with plain white sheets and a small window in an awkward placing. Great just as bland as I like it. And I let out a sigh.

I am supposed to have a roommate, hopefully, they're not snobby or bad or unclean and I'll be good. I think I'll be able to get this done in maybe a week or 2.

After a few minutes of getting " settled in " the door opens and a pretty short woman walks in. She has shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes and she looks pretty. She's wearing the uniformed pyjamas that are provided, I got to say she looks good in the very much unfashionable clothes.

"Hi, I'm Jaliah Santiago, and I guess I'm your rommie for however long you're stuck in this shit hole," she says. "And I think we might get along just fine Jaliah," I say nodding at her.

"so how long have you been here?" I ask her. "2 days now," she says with a bitter expression on her face. "Ah, okay, let me guess, some family member checked you in here even though you're perfectly fine," I say. I'm pretty confident I'm right, I know to read people very well. "You hit the nail right on the spot," she tells me. "How'd you know?" she asks looking at me suspiciously. "I wild guess," I say lifting my eyebrow as I tilted my head.

"Mmmm, good guess then," she says nodding her head slowly at me.



It's now the start of my full day here. Last night they just went over the rules and all that boring stuff. Now let's get down to business. The real reason I'm here is because I'm on a mission. I have a target who resides in this very same building and I can't wait to get my hands on them.

Before I can do anything I need to get the target to trust me. That will be pretty easy since that's in my line of expertise. I do not want to be near that retched person much less befriend them.

I had already hacked this place before I came here. I memorised the layout of the building. I also hacked the security cameras basically stalking the target. I could say I know their daily schedule by heart with confidence.

At this time, the target hangs out in the most secluded part of the lounge and this is when I have to swallow my disgust for the target and get this over with.

A few minutes later I'm walking into the lounge. I do not look like myself at all. I have on a brown short wig, blue contact lenses and glasses on. I look nothing like myself which is perfect. I do not need anyone recognizing me, else I'll be screwed.

I made sure to let myself look as vulnerable as possible, just what my targets preys on. I spot him sitting in his usual spot with 3 people around him vaguely spread out. I sit in the seat across from him, knowing he'll have me in his line of view.

I had my nose in the book I picked up that was laying on the table, it is a perfect cover for me to observe the target and my surroundings.

To my convince he sat quite close to one of the exists, so when I exist I would make a scene that I hope will catch his attention.


I've had enough of sitting here, it's time to make my move. I got up from the chair then went on my way. About 5 cm from where the target sat I dropped the book. It was loud enough for people close by to hear and most importantly it got the attention of the target.

I took up the book quickly acting as if I'm flustered and embarrassed and I guess I sold the act. His eyes are on me and I know I'm his new prey. It went just as I hoped. I then quickly walked out, playing my role quite well.

Now that phase 1 is complete. I'm going to examine the parameter for possible exits and so on I could use to my advantage later on.



Today is when phase 2 starts. I'm just ready for this to be over. I let out a sigh and brush my hair back. I know the target will be seeking me out today, I think I made it on his radar.

I started preparing myself to go to lunch. As I mentioned before, I memorized his schedule. So on a Tuesday, he has lunch at 3:25 pm. I will be going a little before and not just when he will be going because that will probably come off suspicious. I chose to go before so that when he enters he's more likely to see me.


The clock just hit 3:15 and I'm heading out it will take about 5 or 6 minutes for me to reach the canteen.

Soon enough I'm there and I looked around to see if he broke his schedule but he hasn't so I'm good. I stood there for a little analyzing the best place to sit. I came upon an area that is across from the door but in a corner and is pretty secluded. And It is perfect. Everything has to go smoothly if I want to get the target.

I got in line for food and there weren't many people there which I was thankful for since I'm really hungry.

I got my food right when the target walked in. To keep up my act, I walked relatively slow and kept my head down. I know he's looking at me I could feel his disgusting gaze piercing through me. I walked over to my well thought out and perfect choice table.

And It worked. Phase 2 is almost complete. The target sat at my table. He isn't sitting directly beside me but across, which I'm happy about. I wouldn't be able to hide my burning hatred for him if he was so close.

"Hey," He says. "H-Hi," I stammered. And a smirk appeared on his ugly, disgusting, annoying, diabolical face. I was just what he preyed on. "You're new here aren't you, I would remember such a pretty, angelic face, so you must be new," He said. "yeah, I-I cam here Sunday evening," I tell him in a soft voice.

And just like that, we talked, I could tell I have him right where I want him. He's buying my little act, no doubt. Phase 2 completed.



It's time to carry out phase 3. Now that I've got the target right where I want him, it's time to plan phase 3. So what is phase 3 include? I'm planning my exit route, getting plans in place. Seems like I'm getting out here sooner than I thought. pshhh and I thought I would be in this dumb for a maximum of 2 weeks.

When I had hacked the security cameras, I looked where the nurses quarters is, there must be something useful in there. Since I was busy with phase 2 yesterday, I had no time to check it out.

I'm lucky there's a computer room here, so I need to hack into the cameras and stop them for around 30minutes while I snoop. I also know there is a time when none of the nurses are in their quarters and that is 5 - 5:45 pm. They have briefings and whatnot.

Since that takes place later on in the day, I'm doing a little target bonding along with Miss Santiago.

I was not in my room so I'm on my way back. Soon enough I got to my door but I stopped when I heard sounds like talking. I halted then put my head to obviously eavesdrop.

The more I listed the more it sounded like she was on the phone. "No I have not found her yet," she said. "Yes, even though sources say she would be here, she's not here," she continued. " You will not suspend me if I don't find her, She's a well sought after criminal for a reason," Santiago said again.

From what I'm hearing here, she's looking for me and she's an undercover cop. Guess I was right about her being put in here unwillingly, but it was not by a family member. Now that I think about some of the habits she had, her being a cop made sense.

Now, this mission got a little harder but it's nothing I haven't handled before. I backed up a little then walked towards the door again, making sure she could hear footsteps, so she could end the call with whoever she was talking to.

"Hey," I said as I opened the door. I have to pretend that I'm normal and not make her suspicious of me, she doesn't know I'm who she's looking for. That makes me think that it was a good idea not to bring anything that I like with me, they would have no evidence of me being here after I eliminate the target and escape.

"Are you ready for us to hang out?" I asked giving her a shy smile, it was obviously fake, but she wouldn't know that. "Yeah sure," she says. So I walked out with her behind me.


It's been 30 minutes since the target, Santiago and I have been " hanging out" and it's going pretty well. I was playing the shy character quite well, cause the target looks a little too interested in me. Luckily for me, Santiago was acting completely the opposite of his type.

It's time I let my mouth run like water. The target is Jason Hibbert. And I'm one of the most wanted criminals. If you already haven't placed the pieces together to complete the cookie, I ain't gonna say pie, I don't like it. Okay back to this little "briefing". Hibbert killed my mom, and I ain't happy about it I'm here to kill him in the most brutal way possible. If the bloodlust wasn't clear already, it's definitely now and I'm here to carry out the bloodiest revenge murder in history.

I know you're asking what I will use to kill him. But everything is a weapon. I may have not been able to bring a gun in here but I have knives. Yes knives, plural meaning more than one. i don't go anywhere without my babies.

The police never found the murder weapon used to kill my mother, but the reason for that is because I took it and I will kill Jason Hibbert with it. I'll make him swallow his own kidneys. Just you wait.

"Uhh, sorry guys, I have to go use the bathroom, m-my stomach doesn't feel too well," I tell them while rubbing my belly with my left hand.

I don't actually have a bellyache, but time for me to proceed with phase 3. It's 5:03, I gave the nurses time to empty out the room so I could make sure none of them is there. I opened the door with the keycard I had stolen from one of the nurses.

Great the nurses' quarters was quite big and I'm searching all of it.


Ughhhhh, 35 minutes. 35. I practically wasted my time. These people have nothing useful in helping me commit murder. The only thing I could use to my advantage is the window in here that opens and it leads outside, I don't need any security guards annoying me. No one is going to stop me.

"What took you so long? I was about to come check on you," Santiago said. "I should've said I would be a while, my stomach still hurts," I say.



Yesterday before I went back I made plans for the target and I to go to the library, little does he know today will be his last. Right now thankfully Santiago isn't in the room, so now I can clean everything I touched. They don't need to have my prints. I put on my gloves, I put them on sometimes around Santiago so she won't think it's weird when I put them on for today.

Step 2 is meeting him in the library around 4:20 and then everything will play out perfectly from thereon.


It's go time bitches. 4:20 right on the dot I'm here. He walks in a minute later and sits right beside me. I have to stop my face from morphing into one of disgust.

"s-so do you h-have any book in mind? I ask him. " No but I have someone in mind," he says giving me a suggestive look. I wanted to barf. To continue my act I looked down and "blushed". I looked up and he was looking right at me.

I wanted the guy to be smitten with me not fall in love. Sweet Jesus, I would rather cut off his hands than fall for him.

"Y-you know there is s-something we could do instead of reading," I tell him. That pained me to say. "Oh and what might that be?" he asks. "We could play finger fight," I tell him, knowing damn well that's not what he wants. "Sure, why not," he says.

After around 5 minutes of us finger wrestling. I decided that it's time to make my move. I took out the knife that was stepped in my thigh holster. Then I landed in like I was gonna kiss him then boom, I stabbed him, so he wouldn't move I covered his mouth. We don't need me getting caught because of his pitiful screams.

I stabbed him again in his abdomen, careful not to kill him yet, I want him to suffer. I want him to beg me to let him live like how my mother begged him.

"I'm surprised that you don't remember me," I tell him. He looks confused, it could be because of the pain he's in, either way, I don't care. "Gina Garnicia rings a bell," I told him. "You little bitch, killed my mom, now it's time for you to suffer," I said. I knew he could tell from the look on his face that he wasn't gonna come out here alive.

I was in kill mode and I've let him live far too long already.

I cut off his hands. His filthy blood gushed out, I don't want not even a spot of his disgusting blood on me. Also if I'm a get out here I don't want people to see any blood on me that will raise suspicion. In total I stabbed him 30 plus times, actually, I stopped counting then, so it could be more. The pathologist is gonna have their work cut out for them.

I made sure he was dead before I left. He had no survival chance and If so I would come back to complete the job. I looked down at my watch seeing that I have 5 minutes to get to the nurses' quarter. Before that, I went to the bathroom that's 2 doors away to make sure I look okay.


I got there 5 minutes after one. After making sure the cameras are off and that there's no one there I opened the window and jumped through it.

I went to the supermarket that's away from the Mental hospital and went in the bathrooms to change out of the Pyjamas as well as get rid of the wig, glasses and contact lenses, which will obviously be sanitised so none of my DNA or anything that can connect me to the murder. I covered all areas, I basically had years to plan this. I didn't mention this but I had my team help me with stuff while I was in there.

I had back up in there too they will take care of other stuff. The target, Jason Hibbert, is dead. Phase 4 was completed and target eliminated.


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